jada parrish
Time Lapse of our Knot Untied Series - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

Time Lapse of our 'Knot Untied' Series

By David Parrish

Posted: 02/04/15
Category: Boudoir and Female Portraits
Location: Paisley & Jade

Yesterday we had our styled bridal portrait and boudoir session in Paisley & Jade's showroom. It was so much fun, and we captured so many great photographs. We plan on releasing all of these images in a two part series on our blog. While the shoot was going on, I had two time-lapse cameras running. Here is a sneak peak / behind the scenes look at our shoot. Enjoy!




Category: Boudoir and Female Portraits

Location: Paisley & Jade

Post Tags:

Time-lapseBridalBoudoirPaisley And JadeSl1GoProMallory KKnot Untied
