jada parrish
How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot

By Jada Parrish

Posted: 01/08/14
Category: Boudoir and Female Portraits

So many people are curious about boudoir photography! It's a relatively new trend and some people aren't quite sure what to think about it or how to prepare for their shoot. This is a continuation of my previous post "So What's a Boudoir Shoot All About." This post is for anyone considering having boudoir photos taken and wants to know how to prepare to make their shoot the absolute best. We offer several different boudoir packages so that you can choose the option that suits you best.

A boudoir shoot is awesome. It's kind of like an adult version of playing dress up. You get to drink lots of champagne, wear fun outfits, hang out with one of your best friends, and have your picture taken. You're shoot is going to be a blast, you just need to feel confident. The more confident you feel about yourself, the better your photos will be. Think about preparing for your boudoir shoot the same way you'd think about preparing for your wedding. You want to look and feel your very best. Here are a few tips:


1. Buy Flattering Outfits

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

This is a time to indulge a little. Go out and find some outfits that make you feel your absolute best. Your boudoir photos should really feel like you. If you are a girl who loves lingerie, go out and get a few new things to add to your collection. If lingerie isn't your thing, maybe go buy some really cute undies and a big comfy sweater that can be falling off your shoulder in some of the photos. Have fun, get creative, treat yourself.


2. Get Your Hair & Makeup Done

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

Having your hair and makeup done can make a HUGE difference. This alone can make you feel like a different person. Professional hair and makeup will make you feel much more glamorous and confident during your shoot. We even offer to have a professional stylist come to the studio and give you touch ups throughout the shoot.


3. Paint Your Nails

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

It may seem silly, but it is very important to remember to paint your nails before your shoot. The tiniest details can make the biggest difference. Chipped nail polish can ruin a nearly perfect photo, so go out and treat yourself to a manicure before your shoot.


4. Be Active & Eat Healthy

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

You want to feel your absolute best that day of your boudoir shoot. Start preparing for your shoot a few weeks in advance. Drink a little more water than normal, eat more fresh veggies, and try to get out in the fresh air. Take extra good care of your body, and you will be glowing in all of your photos.


5. Find Photos You Love

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

Before your shoot, start looking for boudoir photos that you really love and bring your favorites to the shoot. I'm not saying we are going to recreate every photo, but they will help give us idea of the type of look you would like to achieve. We can pull inspiration from different lighting and poses to create a shoot that is completely yours. David and I are constantly searching for new inspiration. Follow us on pinterest to see our latest finds.


6. Bring Your Best Friend

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com How to Prepare for a Boudoir Shoot - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

A good friend can make all the difference. One of the very first things you should do right after you book your shoot is, ask your best friend to come with you. They will be your support system and cheer you on throughout the entire shoot. They will help give you that extra confidence boost you need to make your photos truly exceptional.


Click to view more of our boudoir photography.

Send an email to info@j-dphoto.com to schedule your shoot.


Category: Boudoir and Female Portraits

Post Tags:

BoudoirPhotographyRichmondRva PhotographyRva Boudoir Photography
