jada parrish
Creative Professional Studio Headshots - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

Creative Professional Studio Headshots

By Jada Parrish

Posted: 02/07/19
Category: Headshot
Location: J&D Studio 221

Everyone needs a headshots. We are all going after something and having professional headshots taken establishes your online presence in your chosen field. It's a potential client's or employer's first impression of you, so you better make it a good one!

The thing about headshots is not everyone wants their photo to say the same thing. Some people's goal is to come across as no non-sense and professional, while others seek to be seen as friendly and engaging or even creative.

Before clients come to our studio for their appointment, I have them fill out a new client form where they can tell us a little about themselves and the purpose for the shoot. When they come in for their shoot we chat about how the photos will be used, what industry they are in, and I ask them to come up with 3 adjectives they'd like their photo to portray.

Posing for a headshot is so much for than standing up straight and smiling at the camera. It's amazing how much body language can say about your personality and level of professionalim. Adjusting the shoulders, raising the chin, and leaning forward can totally change the way you come across in a photo. 

Who knew a photo that seems so simple could say so much?! I guide you through the poses to make sure your photo accurtately portrays you the way you'd like to be seen!


Creative Professional Studio Headshots - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.comCreative Professional Studio Headshots - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com  Creative Professional Studio Headshots - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.comCreative Professional Studio Headshots - Image Property of www.j-dphoto.com

Category: Headshot

Location: J&D Studio 221

Post Tags:

Creative Professional HeadshotsRichmond Creative HeadshotsStudio HeadshotsRVARVA Headshot PhotographerProfessional HeadshotsStudio
